Wellfields Metallica
Métall | Olympic Ferro | Ulft |
Brenda | ||
Edelweis Bruin | Ramiro | |
Astrid | ||
Primatech | Priolo | Northern Dancer |
Bold Princess | ||
Sovereign Dancer | Primeveve | |
Irish River |
This precious son of Métall (X Olympic Ferro) is SPECIAL! His arrival in the world was heralded by a cracking thunderstorm earning him the stable name THOR. He is truly heaven sent, his movement is pure uphill grace and elegance, his temperament is golden, he is dream to handle and if that was not enough he is just BEAUTIFUL!
Métall made dressage history in view of lightness, mechanic as well as talent for piaffe and passage. The impressively built stallion competed successfully up to Prix St. Georges and produced several Grand Prix horses and licensed sons.
Thor is a top prospect for an ambitious amateur or professional rider. He is offered for sale.